If you are searching for an good, reputable credit repair company there are a few tips to help you make an informed decision. Check-out to see if the company has any complaints online. If there have been unhappy customers, there should be able to find something by typing in the companies name and the words complaints or scam. You can also check the Better Business Bureau's website. Even if the company isn't a member, if they have any complaints there will be a report. Check to see if the company offers a refund policy or a money back guarantee. A good company will refund your money if they are unable to improve your credit. A lot of "credit repair law firms" will request payment in full before services will begin, they may even promise to have the work done in 30 or 90 days. They can't make that promise, so run away FAST. I have heard that there is a company out there claiming to have "patented" their method under the FCRA....come on that actually made me laugh out loud. There is a company out there that charges per deletions. Sounds like a good deal right? You don't pay until they get the item deleted. Then I found out what they were charging. They were charging $299.00 per delete for items on the first credit report, and $399.00 for the other two (this is per item deleted). Judgments, bankruptcies, court items, rentals etc. were more. Another company does offer an initial set-up fee, followed by small monthly payments, but they end up drawing out the work to keep collecting the monthly fee. I have heard they also charge a lot of hidden fees. I wouldn't go with a company that has different tiers of programs.
A good credit repair company will charge you an initial set-up fee, followed by monthly payments. These monthly payments will be to cover work done the previous month. Check-out Sleb Credit Solutions. We have a lot of great tips and information. We are also on Facebook and on Twitter at 4Ucreditrepair. The most important thing is to feel comfortable with, and confident in the company you choose. Credit repair can take anywhere from 30 days to 12 months. No company can guarantee to have it done in a certain time-frame. The credit repair industry has a bad rep because of scam companies that make false promises or just rip people off. With any industry you will have your bad apples, but in this business, there seems to be more than usual. Credit repair is possible and it is legal. Credit repair has worked great for tons of people and has allowed them to get a second chance. The benefit of hiring a good credit repair company over trying to fix your credit on your own is, a good credit repair company are experts in the field of all things credit. That is what they do all day, everyday. They are familiar with all the laws and statues that govern the credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, etc. and thus they will usually produce quicker and better results. They have experience dealing with the credit bureaus and collection agencies. Good luck, and remember Sleb Credit Solutions is your trusted choice for credit repair. We are local to the Southern Indiana, Kentucky area, but we serve clients nationwide. We have proven results and offer a money back guarantee. Sleb has never had an unhappy client. We meet with our clients in person, sometimes over lunch. Sleb was voted best credit repair company in Kentuckiana.
Bad credit can happen to GOOD people. Divorce, change in income, loss of employment or even poor money management skills can lead to bad credit. You don't have to live with bad credit, do something about it! Call Sleb for your free consultation. Everyone deserves a second chance. We will help you get your credit back on track! The consultation is free and we offer a money back guarantee, so you have nothing to loose. Remember to believe in yourself, because if you don't, who will? Tough times don't last, but tough people do.
Credit repair information, the best credit repair company, choosing a credit repair company,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Repair My Credit
If you are wondering can my credit be repaired, the answer is, yes it can. Some people choose to repair their credit themselves, others choose to hire a reputable credit repair company. There are a lot of credit repair scams and deceptive credit repair companies out there, but there are also good, honest credit repair companies out there that truly help people get their credit back on track. A good credit repair company will normally produce quicker and better results than someone doing it on there own. Credit repair is legal and possible. I have seen bankruptcies, judgments, tax liens, repossessions, collections etc. removed from a credit report before the statue of limitations has expired. Sleb Credit Solutions is the best credit repair company in the Indiana and Kentucky area. They have now expanded to serve clients nationwide. If you choose to attempt to repair your credit yourself, check out Sleb's website for great tips and information. If you are wanting to repair your credit in the hopes of buying a home in the future, they have a great mortgage preparation program, along with the credit coaching and credit repair services they offer.
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